FDE Express | Dawn of the New Job Landscape: Upskilling, Reskilling and Future Jobs
Kortney Harmon [00:00:00]:
Traditional classroom-based, professor-led, lecture-style courses are really falling short in equipping our students with the practical skills demanded by the job markets today. So we're going to have to bridge that skill gap and advert potential unemployment crises in a radical shift in upskilling methodology in our future years. Hi, I'm Courtney Harmon, staffing and recruiting industry principal at Crelate. Welcome to FDE Express, a short and sweet format of the full desk experience. We'll be diving into specific topics to how you can grow your firm within 10 minutes or less. Each episode, we'll cover quick hit topics to give you inspiration and food for thought for your talent businesses. There are some dynamic changes awaiting the global workforce in the years to come. The release of the World Economic Forum's 2023 Future Jobs Report has shed light on what's coming in our industry, and the report only validates what most of the industry has been saying over the last few months.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:12]:
There is going to be a significant shift in the job landscape, With 70 million new jobs being created worldwide and 83 million jobs being eliminated by 2027. Now, what does that mean for us in the talent industry? It means that a staggering 44% of the workforce will need to reskill or upskill themselves to remain relevant in the face of modern business needs. There's going to be an emphasized need for faster, more personalized approach to upskilling and reskilling in our industries. So I wanna cover 6 of the key points that were highlighted in the article that was released to give you food for thought in our ever-changing industry. Number 1, understanding the magnitude of the challenge. So according to this future of jobs report, a staggering 1.46 billion people worldwide will require upskilling or reskilling over the next decade to adapt to the evolving employment landscape. The jobs finding revealed a clear mismatch between the skills possessed by the current workforce and those in demand by emerging job roles. So this disparity really presents a pressing challenge for both individuals and organizations involved in staffing and recruiting industry.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:37]:
Number 2, the higher education dilemma. Now we've been seeing this over the past few years, but this report further highlights this precarious situation faced by 20 million students enrolled in colleges and universities in the US alone. And 235 million students enrolled worldwide. Now these individuals already face a 53% chance of experiencing underemployment due to lack of relevant skills and experience. Now, traditional classroom-based, professor-led, lecture-style courses are really falling short in equipping our students with the practical skills demanded by the job markets today. So we're going to have to bridge that skill gap and advert potential unemployment crises in a radical shift in upskilling methodology in our future years. Number 3, the urgent need for personalized upskilling. As the staffing and recruiting industry grapples with changes and challenges posed by the future of jobs, it's truly imperative to embrace innovative approaches to upskilling and reskilling.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:49]:
The traditional 1 size fits all approach is no longer sufficient to address rapidly evolving skill requirements. So instead of personalized, upscaling strategies must be adopted, Not only for specific industries, but catering to individual needs, abilities, career aspirations for their future workforce. Step number 4 is embracing technology and learning platforms. Technology has been and always will continue to play a crucial role in delivering personalization in any industry. Automations, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality are transforming the way individuals acquire and develop new skills. These technologies enable the really idea of immersive and interactive learning experiences. So it allows individuals to gain hands-on experiences and simulated environments. Additionally, online learning platforms and massive open online courses really offer the flexibility for self-paced learning opportunities that cater to diverse needs of learners.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:04]:
You know that is my favorite. Number 5, collaboration between industry and education. Now to truly bridge the gap between skill, supply, and demand, increased collaboration between staffing and recruiting organizations and educational institutions are going to be essential. We have to think of how we're going to bridge that. So industry leaders must actively participate in designing and implementing curriculum frameworks that align with the evolving needs of the job market. So think about apprenticeship programs, internships, work integrated learning initiatives, all can provide invaluable opportunities for individuals to gain practical skills and industry experience that's needed. Number 6, lifelong learning and adaptability. This speaks to my heart.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:00]:
Given the rapid pace of technology advancements and evolving job requirements, upskilling and reskilling should not be viewed as a 1 time endeavor. Lifelong learning must become the cultural norm, With individuals and organizations embracing that growth mindset and a commitment to continuous development in the future. The ability to adapt and change and acquire new skills will be crucial for long term career success in our very near future. So the future of jobs, yeah, it brings challenges. But it also brings opportunities for the staffing and recruiting industry. Think about how you're going to navigate this. We need comprehensive skills for upskilling and reskilling approaches for our future workforce. So embracing personalized learning, collaboration, long time learning, we bridge that skill gap.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:57]:
So staffing and recruiting organizations play a crucial role by identifying skills, sourcing talent, and supporting upskilling and partnerships with education in the industry are truly going to be essential. So let's prioritize upskilling and reskilling to empower individuals in the evolving job market. Be sure to read the article for more information. I truly think our world is going to continue to change and grow and learning is going to be at the forefront of that. Thanks for joining. That's all for today's episode of FTExpress. I'm Courtney Harman with Krelate. If you have any questions or topics you'd like for us to cover in future episodes, please feel free to submit them to fulldesk at krelate.com Or ask us live next session.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:48]:
And don't forget to subscribe to our podcast wherever you listen and sign up for our monthly events to keep learning and growing your business. Thanks for tuning in to FTExpress, a short and sweet format of the full desk experience. We'll see you next time.