Mapping Your Staffing & Recruiting Firm's Success - How to Use the WOOP and Tech to Meet Your Goals
Kortney Harmon [00:00:00]:
Ditch the so called paper maps, aka Dusty Excel files and antiquated systems that don't talk to each other. Embrace your platform as your guiding light.
Kortney Harmon [00:00:10]:
And talent journey and it'll help you.
Kortney Harmon [00:00:12]:
Build insight and support. And it'll navigate you every turn and twist, reaching your goals, helping you build that team of rock stars, and helping you write your company legend hi, I'm Kortney Harmon, direct of industry relations at Crellate. Over the past decade, I've trained thousands of frontline recruiters and have worked with hundreds of business owners and executives to help their firms and agencies grow. This is the full desk Experience, a crelate original podcast where we will be talking about growth blockers across your people, processes and technologies. Welcome to another episode of the Full Desk Experience. Today we're going to talk about goal setting. I mean, what better time? You're literally 27 days away from the first day of the new year, and if you don't have a vision of where you want to go in 2024.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:10]:
I'm not going to lie, you're going.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:11]:
To be behind the game a bit.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:13]:
But let's be real.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:14]:
Goal setting and staffing Recruiting kind of feels like a joke sometimes. We slap things together, some smart goals cross our fingers, hope for the best. But honestly, if you're like most offices, by mid May, those goals are gathering dust bunnies under your desk and they become another casualty of good intentions and wishful thinking. You might be asking why? And I'm going to tell you from.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:37]:
My perspective, because I have seen it.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:40]:
Time and time again working with hundreds.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:42]:
Of offices in our industry. It's because you haven't addressed the real elephant in the room, the obstacles that sabotage your best laid plans.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:51]:
You ignore the broken processes or lack of processes in the first place that.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:56]:
Are driving your ship. You have resistance to change, and you're.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:01]:
Missing those regular discussions to keep you on track, to tell you if you need to pivot or you just keep praying your recruiter fairy dust makes it all work out.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:11]:
So what if there was a better way?
Kortney Harmon [00:02:14]:
What if you plan for the obstacles.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:16]:
That you were going to face?
Kortney Harmon [00:02:17]:
What if you had a better framework.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:19]:
Other than just hoping?
Kortney Harmon [00:02:21]:
Because hope without action is just wishing for things to change, and that's really as effective as complaining or criticizing without offering anything constructive.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:32]:
We all know somebody like that.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:35]:
Hope as an action really, truly means.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:37]:
Pushing boundaries, dismantling barriers, taking steps, however.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:42]:
Small they may be, one by one towards something better that you're hoping for. That's the whole premise of today's vibe for today's podcast. So that's where the Whoop goal strategy enters the stage. This framework is really about to blow up the traditional goal setting and really turn your team into recruiting rock stars.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:03]:
With a really laser focused vision.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:06]:
So if you know me at all.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:08]:
I want you to forget about the.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:09]:
Fluffy manifestos, those vision boards.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:12]:
Now, don't get me wrong.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:13]:
Don't come for me. I love them, too. But the Whoop strategy is really about getting gritty reality checks and having actionable plans that really demolish those obstacles before.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:24]:
They even have a chance to trip you up. And honestly, I don't know about you, but that's where I sound like I'm.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:31]:
Hearing our economy be.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:32]:
So, are you ready to stop wishing and start winning?
Kortney Harmon [00:03:37]:
Because today's podcast is about to show you how to whoop your way into staffing and recruiting success.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:44]:
I don't know if you saw my.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:45]:
Social media post, but cue the 1993 song Whoop.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:49]:
There it is. I know I'm embarrassing myself.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:52]:
My kids tell me all the time.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:55]:
But the good news is I don't.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:57]:
Care about embarrassing myself. And I am bringing you and telling.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:00]:
You seven potential goals with Whoop strategies.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:04]:
That you can use for your team.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:05]:
Going into the new year. Now, spoiler alert.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:09]:
It's not about rainbows and unicorns.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:11]:
It's about facing your fears, getting strategic.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:14]:
And outsmarting your competition.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:16]:
So I ask you, are you in?
Kortney Harmon [00:04:20]:
Hopefully I get some yeses out of that.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:23]:
Before we dive in, I want to.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:25]:
First ask you a question. I want to ask you where you stand today. Does your office do goal setting for the new year?
Kortney Harmon [00:04:33]:
Whether it's the new year, whether it's.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:36]:
The new quarter, the month.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:38]:
Do me a favor. Take a minute.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:40]:
Write in the chat. If you do goal setting with your teams. If you don't do it with your teams, maybe you do it individually. And at what frequency do you do them? So what is your goal setting? How frequently do you do them, and do you do them with your organization or individually?
Kortney Harmon [00:04:57]:
Feel free.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:58]:
I'm going to give you a minute to go right in the chat since.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:00]:
We don't have our polls available, and that's okay.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:04]:
If the answer is no, that is perfectly fine.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:07]:
And that is what I'm here to.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:08]:
Help you do strategically and build some foundation of what some of those goals could be.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:14]:
Got a few people saying no.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:17]:
I got some saying yes.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:18]:
Tell me what those frequency of those goal settings are. Okay, you do all the above.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:23]:
Monthly, weekly, yearly.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:26]:
Caitlin, I love it. I love it.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:29]:
Annually and monthly, both individual and organization? No, but I should.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:34]:
Kortney Harmon [00:05:35]:
I love that. Thank you. Thank you for participating. I want to take this one step further. I always have two questions at a. I'm very, very needy some days. My second question is, I know it might seem a little crazy or out of left field, but I want to know, do you have an partner or do you discuss these goals in your one on ones? Your individual calls, your team calls, your company calls? Because really, when it comes down to accountability partners, you're going to hear in some stats. It actually really helps us succeed.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:04]:
So type in the chat. Do you do accountability partners or manage these conversations in your one on ones with your managers?
Kortney Harmon [00:06:11]:
Yes or no? All right. Yes.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:13]:
With your company monthly. Thank you.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:15]:
Kortney Harmon [00:06:16]:
No, that's okay.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:17]:
It's okay if you don't. Yes. All right.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:21]:
I'm getting some yeses.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:24]:
All right. No external mentors.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:27]:
Sue. I love it. I love it. Get it one way or another.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:31]:
That's what it's all about. All right. Yes, sort of. Okay. I love it.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:36]:
I want you to keep these things in mind. So let's set the stage first. You can feel free to keep writing in the chat. In fact, the reality that you need is here. So I'm going to give you some general stats and I want to see where you fall in these stats.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:52]:
All right.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:53]:
83% of people don't have written goals.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:57]:
Are you in that 80? 314 percent of people have goals in their head, but they're never written down. I don't know.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:07]:
My cohort on the other end of this call writes everything down. Katie writes everything down for us. So I'm in that person.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:13]:
She writes everything for me. And only 3% of people have written goals. That's crazy. So when you think about effectiveness of.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:23]:
Goals, people with written goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. Those with action plans and weekly accountability partners achieve goals 40% faster.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:40]:
When it comes to motivation and persistence.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:42]:
People who visualize their goals are 31% more confident in achieving them. And honest to goodness, I never truly believed this till I was in college sports and I saw a sports psychologist.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:55]:
It works.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:56]:
People, if you haven't listened to our podcast with Julie Jones, she was my previous college coach. She is now a performance coach. We interviewed her last month and she really, truly talks about visualization and being at your peak performance.
Kortney Harmon [00:08:10]:
Katie, you are on it.
Kortney Harmon [00:08:12]:
Thank you so much. Check that podcast out. She is amazing. And really, even though it's sports and so many of those things really, truly apply to business.
Kortney Harmon [00:08:22]:
So go listen to that industry spotlight with Julie Jones, if you have not.
Kortney Harmon [00:08:27]:
Writing down goals in detail increases your success likelihood by 1.2 to 1.4 times.
Kortney Harmon [00:08:34]:
I love this one.
Kortney Harmon [00:08:35]:
Over 1000 studies show that high goals lead to better task performance than the do your best approach, right? We all know of people that just.
Kortney Harmon [00:08:44]:
Do their best and they don't have anything laid out. What about accountability and support?
Kortney Harmon [00:08:49]:
We talked about those accountability partners, but you're 65% more likely to reach your goals with an accountability partner. So this comes down to coaching. Sharing weekly Progress reports boost your success.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:01]:
Rates by 40% and people with goals.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:04]:
Are ten times more successful than those without.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:09]:
Now I want to change that.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:10]:
That was just general. Now changing this to the talent industry. While specific data on goal setting within staffing and recruiting offices can truly be.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:19]:
Elusive, these stats still might sting a bit.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:23]:
62% of high performance agencies do have formal goal setting. That might be some of you here, but what that means is it means that 38% of you are flying blind.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:34]:
You wouldn't want to walk into a.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:35]:
Client meeting without a plan, so why are you winging it here?
Kortney Harmon [00:09:39]:
Because this comes down to ROI.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:41]:
70% of professionals believe goals boost employee.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:45]:
Performance, but are you actually setting them for your recruiting teams?
Kortney Harmon [00:09:50]:
Now remember, happy recruiters equal Rockstar hires.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:54]:
They are hand in hand.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:56]:
Having clear goals slashes your time to hire by 30%.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:01]:
So think about that.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:02]:
Imagine filling roles a month faster.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:04]:
That's game changing.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:06]:
Focused goals being very specific equals about 15% better quality of hires. And you want the Dream team players, not just warm bodies. So goals get you there.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:18]:
Be intentional.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:20]:
And last but not least, tracking goals saves around 20% cost per hire. That equals more cash for your talent perks.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:28]:
I mean, sign me up. Why not?
Kortney Harmon [00:10:31]:
As you're thinking of goals, there are catches and challenges that really you need to keep forefront of your mind before you start going into goal setting. I want you to think about your alignment of your personal goals with your business goals. A lot of you said you didn't.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:46]:
Have business goals with your teams, but.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:50]:
Those two should align. You have to think about your recruiting. Is it a sideshow or a strategic partner? Make sure your goals help drive company success, not just fill open slots.
Kortney Harmon [00:11:02]:
What about data measurement? Data and measurement.
Kortney Harmon [00:11:06]:
Are you guessing or are you making informed decisions? Are you tracking what metrics work? More importantly, what's not working through your.
Kortney Harmon [00:11:15]:
System of record and use that guidance.
Kortney Harmon [00:11:17]:
To make real time decisions. Now remember I talked about that. If you're maybe you're not User and you want more on reporting, maybe you're looking for a new system. I want you to join us next week, same time, same place.
Kortney Harmon [00:11:31]:
Katie, if you would.
Kortney Harmon [00:11:32]:
So lovely. Do your thing and drop that in. You can register for our session. We're going to walk you through our whole system. Going to dive in a little bit more. But Lauren from our professional services team is going to talk about those best reports to drive this whole engine for success in 2024. We called it Crlate and conquer. So feel free, go sign up.
Kortney Harmon [00:11:51]:
We would love to have you there. And then I think, more importantly, if.
Kortney Harmon [00:11:56]:
You are big on goal setting, does your teams have goal setting fatigue? If you're setting the bar too high, it can truly lead to burnout. So you need to find that sweet spot between ambitious and achievable for your teams.
Kortney Harmon [00:12:09]:
Now, those stats really paint a clear picture. Goal setting matters, but we're not always doing it right.
Kortney Harmon [00:12:17]:
We're either invisible, we're flying blind with no direction invincible, or setting unrealistic goals that really leave us burnt out and frustrated. So that whoop method is here to change that. It's not just about setting goals, it's about making them happen. Turning those wishywashy dreams into rock solid goals that you can achieve no matter.
Kortney Harmon [00:12:37]:
What obstacles are in your way.
Kortney Harmon [00:12:39]:
So before we dive into whoop and.
Kortney Harmon [00:12:43]:
What they truly mean, we have to understand where we've been, have a brief.
Kortney Harmon [00:12:48]:
Understanding of this year. What does it look like for us? And many of you may have been feeling these pain points and a number of these challenges that I'm going to go over.
Kortney Harmon [00:12:58]:
Most firms that I'm talking to are.
Kortney Harmon [00:13:01]:
Down, on average, 20% to 35% year over year. That number hurts to hear. It also hurts to say, but I want you to know that you're not alone. Some offices are already starting to feel that reprieve from that number going into 2024. So, good news. A lot of you may still be feeling talent and skill shortages across many industries.
Kortney Harmon [00:13:27]:
So upskilling and reskilling are going to.
Kortney Harmon [00:13:30]:
Be the way of the future.
Kortney Harmon [00:13:31]:
I know this isn't the first time you heard that. And as much as there was a.
Kortney Harmon [00:13:36]:
Push to be back in the office for some organizations in 2023, there's still a rise of remote work and has truly changed our industry over the years. And our industry has changing candidate expectations. Our world has shifted. Candidates have a different expectation of going through a process and what they see. So I'm not quite sure if you've seen that shift, but I've seen it in many of the offices that I'm talking to. And last but not least, let's not forget AI has truly turned our world upside down in the last nine months. Not only for our internal use of staffing and recruiting, but also for the companies that hire candidates and those that we collaborate with and sell to. Bad news, it's only going to continue.
Kortney Harmon [00:14:21]:
So yes, these challenges make it more.
Kortney Harmon [00:14:24]:
Difficult for companies to find and hire talent that they need. However, they also present opportunities for those that are willing to adapt and innovate. So now, in today's market, it's more important than ever to have that clear strategy, have those defined goals to really go into 2024 strong. Your mindset in 2024 is going to be different. If you're like the majority of those offices that are down 20% to 35% in this market, you're probably going to change the way you're looking at things. Forget the chasing numbers and stressing about growth. We're not in a sprint in today's market.
Kortney Harmon [00:15:02]:
We're in a marathon.
Kortney Harmon [00:15:04]:
It's about sustainability.
Kortney Harmon [00:15:05]:
It's the name of the game. I want you to think of it.
Kortney Harmon [00:15:08]:
Like an athlete's offseason. In college, as a Division one pitcher, I never got to rest. In the offseason, I focused and honed in on my skills, my grip, my pitches. Learned something new when I didn't need to be pitching in competition.
Kortney Harmon [00:15:24]:
It's no different for you.
Kortney Harmon [00:15:25]:
This is your time to invest in your B players. Turn them into A listers. Network like crazy. Polish your brand until it shines brighter than a recruiter's smile. And remember, culture is your secret weapon. Keep people happy, motivated and feeling top notch because that positive energy really attracts talent like moth to a flame, even in a down market.
Kortney Harmon [00:15:48]:
So I want you to think, does.
Kortney Harmon [00:15:49]:
Your team have the down market blues? Chill with the growth goals and focus on sustainability. Think about maintaining, not multiplying for your accounts. Are you having your teams on that KPI hamster wheel?
Kortney Harmon [00:16:04]:
Change it.
Kortney Harmon [00:16:05]:
Focus on quality over quantity. Forget the hundred call daily grind. Invest in meaningful connections because honestly, relationships are your future gold mine. So instead of thinking about dials, maybe.
Kortney Harmon [00:16:19]:
You should think about call time, focusing.
Kortney Harmon [00:16:21]:
On the meaningful conversations that equal engagement, not the number of dials that we can make in a power hour. So focus on building relationships that'll pay off when the market flips. You really need to think about this. What we're talking about and what you're doing for 2024 almost is like your phase one because it's only a matter of time till the market shifts again and we're off to the races, doing things just in a sprint. We're not there today. So I want to give you four things before we go into the actual whoop goals that you need to think about as you're setting your goals.
Kortney Harmon [00:16:56]:
Kortney Harmon [00:16:57]:
Number one, I want you to think about tech is your bulldozer. Technology isn't just a fancy gadget. I want you to think of it as your bulldozer, ready to clear your path for recruiting greatness, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data tools. They're all here to automate the grunt work, so to say, to free up your time and grant you your candidate and client superpowers, right? Helps you do things faster. I'm sure you've heard AI is not going to replace your job, but a recruiter using AI like a pro definitely will.
Kortney Harmon [00:17:32]:
So, leaders, here's your wake up call.
Kortney Harmon [00:17:35]:
Before you unleash that bulldozer, you have to make sure your processes are crystal.
Kortney Harmon [00:17:40]:
Clear, make sure they're set, they're measured.
Kortney Harmon [00:17:43]:
And producing what you need them to, because you cannot automate what does not exist today.
Kortney Harmon [00:17:50]:
Let me say that again.
Kortney Harmon [00:17:51]:
You cannot automate what does not exist today. So make sure you hone into those process and really make sure they're good to go. When we talk about engagement, this is truly about sharpening your soft skills. Communication, teamwork, problem solving are really your sword and shield in any business battle. So you have to keep them ready. Soft skills create relationships, and your network is your net worth. You can't afford not to put time into your team's soft skills. Last two things you need to remember, I need you to be a tech chameleon.
Kortney Harmon [00:18:28]:
You saw how quickly AI took the stage by storm this past year, right? So whatever that looks like in the future, whether it's cloud, cybersecurity, data, science, all of this tech is your future weapon. Master them now as they come, understand them, and you're going to be able to conquer and ready for new things to come.
Kortney Harmon [00:18:49]:
And last but not least, this is.
Kortney Harmon [00:18:53]:
Not everybody and everybody does not do this well. But I need you to embrace change like a superhero. Having adaptability and agility are going to be critical for our future, of our industry.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:04]:
So make sure you're quick to pivot.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:06]:
If you need to have a change, you really need to hone into that change management processes so your teams can blend into our ever changing market.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:16]:
So it's not just about surviving 2024.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:20]:
It'S about dominating 2025.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:23]:
Let's get to the good stuff.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:25]:
Has anybody ever used the Whoop method of goal setting? Write it in the chat if you.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:30]:
Have spoiler alert as you're doing that.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:32]:
Yes or no into whoop goal setting method.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:35]:
Katie is amazing.
Kortney Harmon [00:19:37]:
You all already know this and she has made us a worksheet for those that wanted to take this whole concept to your teams and do this exercise with them. So no need to frantically write things down. Feel free. You can again, this will be available for the podcast, though you might be asking, what is the Whoop strategy? Kortney, you've been talking about it, so let's dive in. WhOop stands for wish, outcome, obstacle and plan. Let me repeat, wish, outcome, obstacle and plan. It's not just some trendy acronym, but it is truly a powerful tool. Now, as I was starting to think about this topic, my inner mom came out.
Kortney Harmon [00:20:17]:
So bear with me. And my imagination has really took over the rest of the conversation. I took the idea of whoop Whoop and changed it like I was talking to my nine year old. So whenever you think about whoop goal setting, I want you to think of.
Kortney Harmon [00:20:30]:
It like a treasure map. Hence the nine year old whenever you.
Kortney Harmon [00:20:35]:
Think about wish, wish is essentially your ex, your buried goal, your big dream. What's the ultimate goal for your team? Is it more top tiered clients turning into key accounts?
Kortney Harmon [00:20:46]:
Is it lightning fast hiring a candidate.
Kortney Harmon [00:20:50]:
Experience that makes angels sing? It could be a specific metric, such as maybe increasing the number of qualified candidates by 20% or more qualitative, such as improving your overall candidate experience. But I want you to think about what your wishes are for 2024, more specifically, the wishes for your teams.
Kortney Harmon [00:21:10]:
When you think about outcome, this is like the loot.
Kortney Harmon [00:21:14]:
So picture your loot. What does achieving your wish look like when you're Scrooge, McDuck and Ducktails swimming in your gold coins, right? Imagine your team swimming in resumes, closing deals with ease, clients working with you exclusively, and candidates raving about your process.
Kortney Harmon [00:21:31]:
It feels good, right?
Kortney Harmon [00:21:33]:
That's your outcome. This is where we rave about the increased ROI because of the changes you've made. Dollar signs is what it's all about.
Kortney Harmon [00:21:42]:
What can you do if you achieve those things right?
Kortney Harmon [00:21:45]:
What does that mean? What can you do more of?
Kortney Harmon [00:21:49]:
Obstacle is.
Kortney Harmon [00:21:53]:
I'm going to try to say this with a straight face. Whenever you think of obstacle, I want you to think about facing the Kraken. What could be lurking in the seas trying to steal your treasure. This could be internal factors, maybe like limited resources, siloed tech stacks that maybe don't give you the holistic view of your business, or the elephant in the room those undefined processes disturb you away from your buried treasure. Or maybe they're external factors such as competitive talent market or down economy. Don't sugarcoat it. Name your feArs, list them all. And this is what makes your goal setting realistic and not rainbows and sunshine.
Kortney Harmon [00:22:31]:
It helps you overcome what you're going.
Kortney Harmon [00:22:33]:
To face and P is plan.
Kortney Harmon [00:22:36]:
So I want you to chart your course, what's in your route? How will you outsmart that Kraken? With clever sourcing strategies. Maybe you're going to revamp your most important processes to get your teams all playing on a level playing fields. What about killer tech interview questions? Or maybe a tech upgrade to a platform that makes your competitors jealous? I want you to get specific.
Kortney Harmon [00:22:59]:
Get tactical so you can conquer.
Kortney Harmon [00:23:02]:
So by encouraging your teams to set these whoop goals, staffing and recruiting leaders can foster culture of high performance and continuous improvement. So I want to give you seven.
Kortney Harmon [00:23:11]:
Examples, specific examples and general plans that.
Kortney Harmon [00:23:15]:
You can use to make your team shine. Katie is going to be dropping that worksheet of these whoop goals before the AMA when we get there, so bear with me.
Kortney Harmon [00:23:27]:
Our first goal, maybe you have the.
Kortney Harmon [00:23:29]:
Goal to increase your number of qualified candidates in your pipeline by 30%. Think about the wish for that.
Kortney Harmon [00:23:36]:
Your wish is to have a consistently strong pipeline of qualified candidates for all.
Kortney Harmon [00:23:42]:
Open positions, not just being reactive and transactional.
Kortney Harmon [00:23:45]:
Kortney Harmon [00:23:46]:
Very high level.
Kortney Harmon [00:23:49]:
What about your outcome?
Kortney Harmon [00:23:51]:
The outcome of doing that would be an improved candidate selection, reducing your time to hire, and increasing your overall employee satisfaction.
Kortney Harmon [00:24:01]:
But what obstacles might you face?
Kortney Harmon [00:24:04]:
You might have limited access to passive candidates. Or maybe there's a super competitive talent market and you're struggling overall.
Kortney Harmon [00:24:11]:
How do you change that?
Kortney Harmon [00:24:13]:
So what's your plan? Maybe you need to do a re engagement campaign for all the current candidates in your ATS that haven't been spoken to or emailed or had engagement within six months or more. Let's face it, I know there are thousands. No, I haven't seen your system, but I know it. Every system has them, and that is money going to waste. Put your efforts into reengagement. What about building relationships with key talent influencers and industry experts? So that might take you to the world of social media and maybe a networking campaign. What about developing a strong employer brand to attract top talent? Maybe that hasn't been a concerted effort from your business and its employees, sharing specific content, singing the same message in unison. So maybe it's a social media calendar.
Kortney Harmon [00:25:05]:
Or the thing that's often missed in our industry when it comes to pipeline is referrals.
Kortney Harmon [00:25:12]:
Maybe you need to launch an employee referral program with incentives, foster company culture, make it easy for employees to share.
Kortney Harmon [00:25:20]:
Opportunities and get credit for them. But these whoop goals are going to.
Kortney Harmon [00:25:26]:
Be nothing if you forget to track all of them. If you don't have a way to process and report, have discussions around these campaigns that you're doing, reward those incentives. Pivot away from what's not working and you have to have these conversations regularly. So that was goal number one, all around talent. What about goal number two? To reduce the time to hire by 15%?
Kortney Harmon [00:25:49]:
Who doesn't want that?
Kortney Harmon [00:25:51]:
Maybe your wish is to streamline the hiring process and fill open positions quickly and efficiently. Everybody needs that, or everybody can get better. What's your outcome? It's going to reduce your cost. It's going to improve your candidate experience. It's going to increase agility in response to market needs. What obstacles are you going to face?
Kortney Harmon [00:26:12]:
And I know most of you can say them, it's manual.
Kortney Harmon [00:26:15]:
It's time consuming. There's lack of automation, lack of communication with clients.
Kortney Harmon [00:26:21]:
The list can go on, but what's your plan?
Kortney Harmon [00:26:25]:
Should you refocus your applicant tracking system software to manage candidate applications and workflows? If you are not today, you should be tracking your time to hire first and foremost.
Kortney Harmon [00:26:37]:
If you have that, how do you improve it? Make a concerted effort maybe you need.
Kortney Harmon [00:26:42]:
To automate tasks, right? We've been talking about AI and automation. Maybe you just need to automate those processes such as scheduling interviews and sending email notifications, embed certain automations or sequencing in part of your workflows so your candidates and clients feel seen, heard, connected to in a way that they need to from your teams. So maybe automation is where you need to focus on in 2024.
Kortney Harmon [00:27:07]:
Pick a process and start with it. Maybe you need to streamline your onboarding.
Kortney Harmon [00:27:12]:
Process to ensure task completion for both internal and external stakeholders. Maybe you need to ensure requirements are met when they're needed. Like it has computers, logins, IDs on a first day, make sure we have credentials, certification, testing, so on and so forth.
Kortney Harmon [00:27:31]:
Or last but not least, maybe you.
Kortney Harmon [00:27:34]:
Need to ensure communication with your clients has the maximum efficiency. Maybe you need to implement a client portal so your clients can see real time submissions and progress throughout your process. Let's be honest, your biggest time suck with your teams is having the back and forth email exchanges between clients and your teams without updates.
Kortney Harmon [00:27:59]:
Goal number three maybe you want to.
Kortney Harmon [00:28:03]:
Enhance your candidate experience by increasing net promoter scores by 10%. Anybody use net promoter scores? I would love to know. I think this is a very underutilized tool. But what is your wish? Your wish, ultimately is to create positive and memorable experiences for candidates, even those who are not hired today.
Kortney Harmon [00:28:25]:
And that is the key. Today's pass is tomorrow's revenue, and it's.
Kortney Harmon [00:28:31]:
Important when we are in markets like.
Kortney Harmon [00:28:33]:
We are today, we can't always find the job today.
Kortney Harmon [00:28:37]:
So don't let them go unused. What's your outcome? Improve brand reputation. Maybe you have increased referrals. You have a stronger talent pipeline.
Kortney Harmon [00:28:48]:
But what obstacles are you going to face?
Kortney Harmon [00:28:50]:
Maybe you're going to experience lack of communication, frankly, and transparency during the hiring process. So what can you do about it? What's your plan? Maybe you need to provide regular updates to candidates throughout your hiring process. Maybe you need to go back and implement sequences to keep your A players or all key players in the loop. Are you gathering feedback from your clients to use and make improvements?
Kortney Harmon [00:29:17]:
This is where you can use templates.
Kortney Harmon [00:29:19]:
To gather those consistent feedback and make.
Kortney Harmon [00:29:21]:
Sure they come into play.
Kortney Harmon [00:29:23]:
What about have you implemented a structured candidate feedback process?
Kortney Harmon [00:29:28]:
Do you have a structured feedback loop?
Kortney Harmon [00:29:30]:
If not, you can automate that process. So you never let a candidate or client's feedback go unheard. And don't let those A level candidates that you don't have a job for go unused. Market them to your clients onto your next job. Track that process from start to finish on your workflows.
Kortney Harmon [00:29:47]:
Oh, wait, and those silver medalists, the.
Kortney Harmon [00:29:50]:
Ones that you submit, that are a really amazing number two, that didn't get the job. They're viable for months and years to come. So create a touch plan strategy so you don't lose that conversation with them.
Kortney Harmon [00:30:03]:
All right, goal number four.
Kortney Harmon [00:30:08]:
I think this should be everybody. But what about improving your offer acceptance rates by 15%?
Kortney Harmon [00:30:16]:
What's your wish?
Kortney Harmon [00:30:17]:
Candidates jump at the chance to join your amazing team.
Kortney Harmon [00:30:20]:
Yes, sign me up. I want that.
Kortney Harmon [00:30:23]:
What's your outcome? Maybe you spend less time on rejections and resistance for your teams. Maybe you have faster growth, a culture.
Kortney Harmon [00:30:32]:
Of high talent retention. Everybody wants that.
Kortney Harmon [00:30:36]:
But what challenges are you going to face?
Kortney Harmon [00:30:39]:
You're going to face uncompetitive compensation packages. Anybody feel that? I've heard that with a lot of.
Kortney Harmon [00:30:46]:
The clients that I work with, maybe they have lack of clarity on career growth opportunities.
Kortney Harmon [00:30:51]:
So what can you do about it?
Kortney Harmon [00:30:54]:
What's your plan? Maybe you can conduct some market research to benchmark salaries, encourage clients to offer competitive benefits, showcase career development paths so you can show your clients that you're a trusted partner and a resource in.
Kortney Harmon [00:31:09]:
Their process other than just being an order taker.
Kortney Harmon [00:31:13]:
Remember, your teams aren't just gathering information for a job, they're gathering market research each and every call that they're on every single day.
Kortney Harmon [00:31:23]:
So have those customized fields scripts to.
Kortney Harmon [00:31:26]:
Gather and search this information for future calls.
Kortney Harmon [00:31:29]:
With prospects and clients alike.
Kortney Harmon [00:31:33]:
This one comes into play probably a lot for next year, especially if there's some downtime. But number five would be become a top employer brand in the industry. Not necessarily very detailed, but this is something. A lot of the conversations I'm having with leaders in our industry is really about establishing a brand.
Kortney Harmon [00:31:52]:
So what's your wish?
Kortney Harmon [00:31:53]:
Candidates are lining to join your company and boasting about your amazing culture or your clients culture. So what's the outcome? You're going to reduce recruitment cost.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:04]:
You're attracting top talent with ease.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:07]:
You're increasing your brand awareness for your candidates and clients.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:11]:
I know people in today's market in.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:14]:
Staffing and recruiting and that have such a strong presence that they have candidates that are looking for jobs that come to them directly.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:21]:
They have clients coming to them to.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:23]:
Say, I need you to represent my.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:25]:
Company to help me find qualified candidates.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:29]:
They're coming to that person knocking on.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:31]:
Their door and that can be changing for you as well.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:35]:
So what obstacles are you going to face? You're going to have limited employee branding efforts. What if you don't have a marketing department? How many of you have negative online reviews? Or that company does? Let's face it, Glassdoor lets everyone have.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:51]:
A voice for the haters wanting to hate.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:54]:
And maybe you have a lack of employee testimonials.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:58]:
So think about that.
Kortney Harmon [00:32:59]:
How can you solve that problem? Maybe you implement a strong employer branding strategy, actively manage your online reputation, encourage employees to share positive experiences.
Kortney Harmon [00:33:12]:
And don't forget the swag.
Kortney Harmon [00:33:14]:
Everybody loves a little swag. All right, I have two more.
Kortney Harmon [00:33:20]:
Goal number six, and I think everybody.
Kortney Harmon [00:33:22]:
Wants this in today's market, is maybe you want to land ten new clients.
Kortney Harmon [00:33:27]:
In Q One, your wish, it's to.
Kortney Harmon [00:33:30]:
Essentially significantly expand your reach and establish yourself as a leading partner for companies.
Kortney Harmon [00:33:37]:
Your outcome?
Kortney Harmon [00:33:38]:
You're going to increase your brand awareness. You're going to have a diversified client.
Kortney Harmon [00:33:41]:
Base and maybe early access to potential unicorn companies. But what obstacles might you face?
Kortney Harmon [00:33:51]:
Fierce competition in your space is probably a no brainer. Limited access to decision makers, they're hard.
Kortney Harmon [00:33:58]:
To get to these days, and maybe tight sales cycles. So what could be your plan? What could you do?
Kortney Harmon [00:34:05]:
You could develop a target marketing campaigns, track the progress to new business through your workflows and your system of record? Track them from start to finish. What about focus on industry publications, events, building relationship with correct networks and accelerators?
Kortney Harmon [00:34:22]:
You can also offer flexible pricing models.
Kortney Harmon [00:34:25]:
From that market research that you're doing.
Kortney Harmon [00:34:27]:
Day in and day out. But most importantly, with these new logos, new clients don't forget the human touch during those sales calls.
Kortney Harmon [00:34:37]:
Are your sales team developing new business with new clients, or is it going beyond the transactional?
Kortney Harmon [00:34:43]:
Take it one step further.
Kortney Harmon [00:34:44]:
Are your recruiters asking if there's things that they can work on beyond the one job? Don't just be a robot and focus so much on automation that you're losing the human touch.
Kortney Harmon [00:34:57]:
And number seven goal?
Kortney Harmon [00:35:00]:
Maybe your goal is you want to achieve 20% expansion of revenue from existing accounts, maybe through strategic cross selling and upselling. We talked about this before, but get those key accounts right. You want to really have that reoccurring revenue.
Kortney Harmon [00:35:15]:
But how do you do that? What's your wish?
Kortney Harmon [00:35:18]:
Obviously, you want to deepen those client relationships and unlock hidden revenue potential with.
Kortney Harmon [00:35:23]:
Your current client base. What's the outcome?
Kortney Harmon [00:35:26]:
You're going to have increased customer lifetime value, reduce your churn rate, and have stronger client loyalty. But I bet you you're going to face some obstacles. Maybe like upselling and reselling, identifying those opportunities. They're hard to find. If you don't change your verbiage and.
Kortney Harmon [00:35:43]:
Your conversation, maybe you have to overcome.
Kortney Harmon [00:35:46]:
Client objections and you're not great at that.
Kortney Harmon [00:35:49]:
And you need to teach your teams to do that.
Kortney Harmon [00:35:52]:
Or navigating internal approvals for new requisitions. That's just par for the course.
Kortney Harmon [00:35:57]:
So what's your plan?
Kortney Harmon [00:35:59]:
Maybe you need to conduct client reviews to identify unmet needs and potential new work. Develop customized sales presentations with clear ROI calculations. I don't know how many of you here have client reviews with your clients.
Kortney Harmon [00:36:15]:
Today, but it is truly a game.
Kortney Harmon [00:36:18]:
Changer whenever you have those key accounts.
Kortney Harmon [00:36:21]:
But take it one step further.
Kortney Harmon [00:36:23]:
Maybe you need to ensure and build strong relationships with those stakeholders to ensure buy in. Take it one step further. Make sure those connections are deep and wide across departments and locations.
Kortney Harmon [00:36:34]:
So most importantly, I want you to.
Kortney Harmon [00:36:37]:
Think of as you embark on this epic quest of your treasure map. To all seven of those goals.
Kortney Harmon [00:36:42]:
Or beyond your treasure map, where X marks the spot, there are two trusty.
Kortney Harmon [00:36:49]:
Companions who illuminate the path and develop your map to ensure you that you reach your destination. That's the power of your Ats and your crm. Your platform in the talent industry realm.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:03]:
Now, they're not just dusty tombs on a shelf. They're your guiding light.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:08]:
They're illuminating the road from job opening to hired Rockstar.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:13]:
When you think of your ATS, I.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:15]:
Want you to think of it like the map maker. It's showing your entire process. It's meticulously charting your course. You, as the leaders of your firm.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:24]:
Are creating that map.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:26]:
You're showing the way through your processes and procedures to ensure it helps your.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:31]:
Teams avoid the Kraken right?
Kortney Harmon [00:37:34]:
It helps them scout the terrain. It's going to identify talent pools, map candidate journeys, pinpoint potential roadblocks before you even start.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:42]:
If it's done correctly, it's going to.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:44]:
Allow your teams to follow a compass.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:46]:
Like track, key metrics like time to.
Kortney Harmon [00:37:50]:
Hire and offer to acceptance, ensuring your teams are always moving in the right direction and using data in your platform to always show you the way to course correct.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:01]:
And last but not least, it's also.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:02]:
That ATS is going to help you develop a trail. It's going to document every interaction, every.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:07]:
Interview, every feedback loop, creating a clear.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:10]:
Roadmap for your future references and improvements.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:13]:
It helps your team scale.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:15]:
It helps them grow as they need to replicate the best thing to do for your firm. And we think of your CRM. It's your storyteller. It's weaving the compelling narrative that attracts.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:26]:
And retains top talent to help you.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:29]:
It's crafting your legend building strong employer.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:32]:
Brand, resonating with your ideal candidates that.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:35]:
Make you truly the hero of this urge. It's helping you nurture relationships from outreach to onboarding and beyond. It's listening to the Whispers, helping you analyze feedback and sentiment of uncovering hidden insights, and helping you constantly refine your.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:51]:
Story and captivate your audience. But don't forget, your heroes track your.
Kortney Harmon [00:38:57]:
Employee engagement, their performance, their career aspirations to ensure that your most valuable assets feel seen, heard and valued.
Kortney Harmon [00:39:06]:
So together that ATS and CRM that.
Kortney Harmon [00:39:09]:
Platform, it becomes your lighthouse, cutting through the fog of uncertainty and highlighting the path to success. Empowering data driven decisions. Guiding you with insight, not hunches, so you can make informed decisions all along.
Kortney Harmon [00:39:22]:
The way and fuel continuous improvement.
Kortney Harmon [00:39:25]:
Helping you illuminate areas for growth when you're ready. Helping you refine your strategy and become more efficient in the talent industry overall.
Kortney Harmon [00:39:34]:
So ditch the so called paper maps.
Kortney Harmon [00:39:38]:
Aka Dusty Excel files and antiquated systems that don't talk to each other. Embrace your platform as your guiding light.
Kortney Harmon [00:39:45]:
And talent journey, and it'll help you.
Kortney Harmon [00:39:47]:
Build insight and support. And it'll navigate you every turn and twist, reaching your goals, helping you build that team of rock stars, and helping you write your company legend.
Tom Hunley [00:39:59]:
Matching the right candidates to a job rec can be a challenge in today's dynamic job market, but at Crelate, we know that when talent professionals are efficient, they can better connect with their candidates and clients to make more placements. Crelate was founded to help talent focused employers connect their clients with job seekers. Our software platform is designed to build relationships and empower both businesses and the clients they serve. We know that prosperity comes through collaboration and solid process. By bringing your entire team together on one platform, performing orchestrated tasks to reach a common goal, your business will scale and thrive. The future of work is about tech leveling up and enhancing your team so they can better facilitate the connection between candidates and clients that ultimately helps the community at large. Crewate's mission is to grow lasting prosperity for all by supporting entrepreneurship, employment and meaningful work. When purpose drives business, everyone wins.
Tom Hunley [00:40:46]:
Learn about Crelate and our end to end talent platform at
Kortney Harmon [00:40:54]:
All right, Katie, I'm done talking to my, uh, and developing the story of the whole.
Kortney Harmon [00:41:01]:
Oh, you're there, I see you, but.
Katie Jones [00:41:04]:
You'Re not on to. I have to change the outlay, you guys, it's been so long since that we've done this. So my apologies and thank you all for bearing with us. Hey look, I'm alive for the technical difficulties. So as promised, I'm going to drop the link for the whoop goal worksheet in the chat right now. I know I had a little bit fun with this email. So if you guys instantly get a song stuck in your head when you receive it, I'm very sorry. I know that's exactly the subject line.
Katie Jones [00:41:45]:
So we actually had a question and it kind of goes back to when you were talking back above about the expansion for your clients. What's the best way to expand clients?
Kortney Harmon [00:41:58]:
Good news.
Kortney Harmon [00:41:59]:
I have some great news for you and Katie. I don't know if you're ready for this. We did a podcast on love. I'll share with you some highlights. So let me give you some high levels as Katie goes and grabs our podcast. But we did a podcast, I think it was called Turning your clients into key accounts. But you have to go beyond the transactional. Kind of mentioned that you need to become a trusted advisor, not just a vendor.
Kortney Harmon [00:42:23]:
Go beyond basic fulfillment, really understand where you need to go is understand their business goals, their pain points, their future needs, offer strategic insights, industry trends, market analysis, really dive into where they can walk away from those conversations saying they're different. They're different than who I've talked to in the past. I feel smarter when I talk to, right. Help them map their talent landscape. So it's really like digging deep into an assessment of hiring challenges. What are their skill gaps, future talent needs so you can help tailor your solution and proposition to their specific situation. Most importantly, I think you need to not forget of leveraging data and metrics. So if you have like a client portal that does that for you, amazing.
Kortney Harmon [00:43:13]:
But you need to track how many people you're talking to, right?
Kortney Harmon [00:43:17]:
You need to track what the submission is, what the pay is, what the time to hire, cost per hire, quality of hire, but demonstrate the impact your placements and quantify your value proposition to those people.
Kortney Harmon [00:43:31]:
And then I think to go one.
Kortney Harmon [00:43:34]:
Step further is continuing to build strong relationships across the organization, not just with one decision maker. I don't know if any of you have ever had this, but I've had where I've had a discussion with somebody, guess what? Six months later they're gone. That did nothing for my relationship. I was back to square one. So make sure you're going beyond. You're going beyond the hiring manager, maybe HR personnel, different managers, people that are in different locations. So you can broaden your influence and really help create influence across the organization and strengthen your account overall. But there's a lot I could probably go beyond this.
Kortney Harmon [00:44:13]:
Make sure you get regular feedback, conduct satisfaction surveys. Don't wait for an issue to arise. Make sure you're having constant conversations. I know so many people that'll say, well, I don't have anything to talk about today. We were supposed to meet Simon, you're just going to cancel that meeting.
Kortney Harmon [00:44:27]:
I'm going to tell you the best.
Kortney Harmon [00:44:29]:
Conversations I've ever had were about some kids'soccer tournament and what they were doing for Christmas, how they were spending their holiday, what was next for them on a personal level. Because those people that were hiring authorities at one organization often came back to.
Kortney Harmon [00:44:44]:
Be most placeable candidates for me for their next job.
Kortney Harmon [00:44:48]:
So this is a cycle. It is ever changing. Don't ever stop having the conversations. Even if you're scheduled to have them and you don't have anything to talk about. Make it shorter, but relate and have a conversation.
Kortney Harmon [00:44:59]:
So I'm done.
Kortney Harmon [00:45:01]:
I could go back to that whole podcast again. Katie, I'm sorry.
Katie Jones [00:45:04]:
Don't be sorry.
Kortney Harmon [00:45:05]:
Katie Jones [00:45:05]:
I'm on the doing the double mute thing again. No, don't be sorry. That actually brought up another question corp that I think is kind of important. Towards the beginning of that answer, you mentioned having a client portal. What exactly is the benefit of a client portal? This person is asking. They say that they send out emails and that has been working just fine. I don't know if we could dive into that just a little bit.
Kortney Harmon [00:45:28]:
I hear this a lot. I'm sending emails, we have great communication, we communicate just fine. Why do I need it? But I want you to think about consumption of content. It's the way for you to consolidate your five emails and 26 candidates that you submitted over the last two weeks to one. It's your way for your clients to see what you're working on in real time, not to start a fire on Monday morning, to see what you're working on and change it for tomorrow. So it has a few advantages. If you think of overall it's going to help you increase your efficiency and.
Kortney Harmon [00:45:57]:
Productivity where your clients can manage maybe.
Kortney Harmon [00:46:01]:
Basic tasks like reviewing resumes, providing feedback so it's not getting lost in the translation of emails back and forth. And honestly, it frees up both ends of the conversation for not only your client but yourself, freeing up time for more strategic initiatives. It's going to have obviously that improves communication and transparency. So it's going to give you real time updates, progress, it's going to help trust, collaboration, it's going to help create stronger relationships, because when you think of a client portal, it's more of a partnership. It gives maybe the clients a greater stake in the recruiting process. It can lead to maybe long term contracts, increased loyalty. Key being it's going to give you data driven insights where you can track activity preferences of the candidates that they're looking for or looking at more frequently, understanding their needs better and really reduce time commitment because no one wants to sit and look through their outlook. To say, how many times did Katie email me over the past five days? Let me consolidate those 17 candidates that they did.
Kortney Harmon [00:47:06]:
Let me go pull their resumes. I'm already tired just thinking about all the things I just listed. So we need to think about making it easier for the people that we work with and streamline those processes just so we can get a better return. That equals money, that equals dollars, cost savings, the whole nine yards.
Kortney Harmon [00:47:23]:
I love that.
Katie Jones [00:47:24]:
And it's like an organized place instead of. So this question is actually circling back around to the goal setting. What are the biggest challenges when it comes to goal setting across organizations? And why haven't you seen goal setting work in the offices that you've worked with and talked to.
Kortney Harmon [00:47:46]:
That's a great question, honestly.
Kortney Harmon [00:47:49]:
First off, goal setting is really like.
Kortney Harmon [00:47:52]:
Trying to solve a puzzle, but the pieces keep getting lost.
Kortney Harmon [00:47:56]:
I don't know.
Kortney Harmon [00:47:57]:
Maybe it's just my household and having an eight and a nine year old that they lose the puzzle pieces. Maybe that's where my brain is going. But the biggest challenge is really to understand what good actually looks like. How do you know if your teams are hitting the mark when metrics are scattered across tech systems? How do you know if you're. I see so many people using someone else's metrics in another office that's in.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:22]:
A different industry, a different vertical. They're hiring differently and they're trying to.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:29]:
Apply it to their business and they're like, well, My teams aren't hitting it well. No kidding.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:34]:
So some scenarios.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:36]:
Think about this. Maybe your ATS boasts about impressive placement.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:42]:
Numbers, but when you look at your.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:44]:
Client side, your CRM, maybe it paints a different picture.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:47]:
With high candidate ghost rates, you have.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:50]:
To consolidate the ATS and CRM so.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:53]:
They paint the same picture. Think about time to hire reports right in your CRM.
Kortney Harmon [00:48:59]:
Maybe it suggests efficiencies, but your hiring managers and their surveys reveal frustration with slow communication.
Kortney Harmon [00:49:08]:
Again, two sides to every coin. Maybe you celebrate low cost per hire, but your team retention rates plummet, highlighting.
Kortney Harmon [00:49:17]:
Maybe hidden quality issues.
Kortney Harmon [00:49:19]:
So when you think about what has.
Kortney Harmon [00:49:21]:
To change, it's truly holding your teams as much. This is a bad word is accountability. People don't like accountability. Sometimes I don't like accountability either. My kids sure in the heck don't like accountability. But really what needs to change is.
Kortney Harmon [00:49:38]:
Unified data, like streamlined dashboards, reporting, really.
Kortney Harmon [00:49:42]:
Being there, breaking the silos and really making sure you have that one stop.
Kortney Harmon [00:49:47]:
Shop to paint the holistic picture.
Kortney Harmon [00:49:50]:
Again, back to shameless plug. When you think about using crlaid or a system for goal setting, it's really.
Kortney Harmon [00:49:57]:
About seeing dashboards that top industries are.
Kortney Harmon [00:50:00]:
Using, but understanding how the need to know task and reporting are there. They're in front of you. All your teams are looking at the same things. Maybe it's forecasting data, but what it comes down to is having those conversations.
Kortney Harmon [00:50:14]:
Readily all the time, but having the.
Kortney Harmon [00:50:17]:
Data at your fingertips. You don't want your teams to be guessing where they're going, and you don't want to be guessing where you should go, but having those conversations frequently to make sure you're all measuring the same thing and really beating to the same drum. So the biggest challenge, it comes down.
Kortney Harmon [00:50:32]:
To just remembering that it's not all about reaching numbers.
Kortney Harmon [00:50:38]:
It's about driving change, making informed decisions, and this will truly transform your puzzle piece and your roadmap to make sure you have long term success.
Katie Jones [00:50:49]:
Kortney Harmon [00:50:50]:
Thank you.
Katie Jones [00:50:51]:
That was kind of it for the questions today, court. So I'm going to get my butt off screen and it's all you for the wrap up.
Kortney Harmon [00:50:58]:
Well, I missed you today.
Kortney Harmon [00:50:59]:
All right, amazing. So thanks.
Kortney Harmon [00:51:01]:
Thanks for joining us. Obviously, this talent landscape is a wild ride. Clear goals are your saddle in the.
Kortney Harmon [00:51:08]:
Storm, but by setting these whoop goals.
Kortney Harmon [00:51:11]:
They'Re maybe a little bit more bold, yet achievable. It's going to show your candidates and clients that you're not just riding the.
Kortney Harmon [00:51:17]:
Wave, you're truly steering the ship.
Kortney Harmon [00:51:19]:
So this podcast is ideally your roadmap to whooping your way into 2020 for success.
Kortney Harmon [00:51:25]:
So make sure you understand your challenges.
Kortney Harmon [00:51:30]:
You identify them, and you even handed the compass to navigate for a future in tech. Maybe it's time to grab the wheel and steer towards your dream and destination. So remember, you're not just in the recruitment game, you're shaping the future of work. You're set and embracing these whoop goals.
Kortney Harmon [00:51:49]:
So you can watch yourself transform from.
Kortney Harmon [00:51:53]:
Passenger to pilot in this ever evolving landscape. So buckle up, dream big, and whoop your way into an amazing 24 24 Whoop.
Kortney Harmon [00:52:03]:
There it is. I'm Kortney Harmon with Crate.
Kortney Harmon [00:52:05]:
Thanks for joining us. If you have questions or you want us to address that we didn't address in today's show, please feel free to email us or ask us at if you've enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe, rate our podcast wherever you listen, and sign up for our newsletter to get future details. So have a wonderful day and we will see you. Harmon with Crelate thanks for joining the full desk experience. Please feel free to submit any questions for next session to or ask us Live Next Session if you enjoyed our show. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you listen, and sign up to attend future events that happen once a month.