Workshop | The Not-So-Scary World of Staffing: Creative Solutions for Your Talent Business
On this episode of The Full Desk Experience, we dive into the world of staffing and recruiting with industry principal Kortney Harmon and guest Chris Hesson. They share insights on the secret to staffing success, calculating bill rates, and the shift in the talent market. We also discuss the importance of flexibility in the workforce and the opportunities for expansion in niche spaces. Join us as we explore how to develop thriving staffing practices in your organization and discover valuable tips for success.
Download the "Getting Started in Staffing" Checklist here.
[00:03:20] Kortney Harmon and Chris Hesson discuss the benefits of expanding a direct hire business model into a staffing practice and offers tips for success.
Download the "Getting Started in Staffing" Checklist here.
[00:03:20] Kortney Harmon and Chris Hesson discuss the benefits of expanding a direct hire business model into a staffing practice and offers tips for success.
[00:09:03] Remote work is becoming more popular and flexible work arrangements are important. Ask candidates and clients if they are interested in flexibility without using the term "contract staffing". Contract staffing assignments can also last longer than expected.
[00:12:09] The workforce is changing as more people retire, and younger people prefer flexibility and side hustles. Companies need to adapt and offer diverse solutions to retain clients.
[00:20:35] Building recyclability is important. Specialize in a niche space, communicate regularly with contractors, and tag and define market segments in your ATS.
[00:27:23] Recruiting is about problem-solving through identifying the client's core issue and offering staffing or direct placement solutions. Understanding client pain points is key to determining the right solution for short and long-term projects. Having varied solutions improves profitability.
[00:32:49] Set goals for contract staffing success, hold yourself accountable and plan. No easy path to success.
[00:39:56] Understanding bill rates and profit margins in the technology industry for contract workers. Importance of setting percentage goals and knowing clients. Success stories of long-term contractors.
[00:45:17] Recruiting firms need to prepare for an increase in staffing demand as direct placement demand decreases. They can expand into new departments, segments, or similar skill sets within their existing client base to pivot and keep a consistent client base.